The MYSTERIES of the WARDROBE provides easy fashion design & styling tips to define a look and bring out beauty & personality using the language of clothes.
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The LANGUAGE of COLOR discusses Effects & reactions to the Color choices you wear. Illustrations by Haute Couture fashion designer Julien Fournié
APPEALING APPEARANCE, discusses 5 easy ways to create optical illusions with the use of clothes: I Directions; II Necklines; III Color & Texture; IV Balance & Perspective; V Distraction Simple to use tools to make body shapes and sizes appear different than they actually are.
Illustrations by Haute Couture fashion designer Julien Fournié
IMPRESS IN DRESS is all about Power Dressing.
Amplify the powers you already have, or even add powers you don’t. Discover effortless ways to be your most powerful self by creating Psychological illusions simply with the use of clothes. I Importance & Presence ; II Greatness & Esteem ; III Movement & Grace ; IV Focus ; V Archetypes & Gender role models, to inspire and give strength to your look
Illustrations by Karishma Mohanta
EXPRESS IN DRESS discovers how your clothes are a means of communication, and how you can express your nature, personality, and mood with the clothes you wear, and therefore also read others. Discover effortless ways to be your most amazing self, express all you are, and let your beautiful personality radiate and shine.
Illustrations by Karishma Mohanta
SUIT YOUR STYLE shows how fashion is a translation of time. Also looking into Trendsetters and Beauty standards of the times.
Illustrations by Karishma Mohanta
LOVE YOUR LOOK is an introduction to the video series The MYSTERIES of the WARDROBE, explaining a bit more what can be discovered in this series and the reasons behind the series.
Illustrations by Karishma Mohanta
The ROOTS of the ROBE explores the origins of the clothes we are wearing today, the primary reasons why we are actually wearing clothes in the first place.
Illustrations by Karishma Mohanta
The ESSENCE of DRESS SENSE is about the various forms and purposes of the ways we have been decorating our bodies through the ages. Translating the language of clothes, the meanings and expressions of the items we chose to wear.
Illustrations by Karishma Mohanta
REVEAL & CONCEAL delves into the sexual significance of clothes in fashions and traditions throughout history, in different societies, regions, cultures and religions.
Illustrations by Karishma Mohanta